5 Ways for Moms to Relax with Little Time
Photo by cottonbro studio
Mom life is a busy life! While rushing from one thing to the next and making sure everyone gets where they need to be, it can be so difficult to find ways to relax.
As moms, we put ourselves under so much pressure to be present, attentive, and kind all the time. But when we don’t have a single second in the day to care for ourselves, we get burnt out! That’s why it’s so important to find little moments to relax and check in with ourselves.
Here are 5 of my favorite ways to relax with little time!
1. Go on a walk
This is probably my favorite practice to give myself a breather each day. Even if I don’t have the time to do a full workout I can always find at least 15 minutes to walk around and clear my mind!
Whether it’s walking from home to the grocery store or just getting out of bed 20 minutes early to walk around the neighborhood, it’s so beneficial to move your body and to distract you from the stressors of the rest of the day. Plus you can take your babies with you on your walk in a stroller or baby sling so there’s no worry about leaving them with anyone!
2. Practice deep breathing
Breathing exercises are one of the best ways to recenter your mind and body in just seconds! Even when you don’t have the chance to step away from the chaos you can take a few breaths to relax yourself and remember that everything is ok! You’re doing your best!
When you’re stressed: try breathing in through your nose, holding for five seconds, and then releasing through your mouth. Repeat this at least three times!
3. Play some music!
And no I don’t mean nursery rhymes! Turn on your favorite tunes while cooking dinner, in the car, or on that daily walk. I love getting a break from all the kid music and sounds of toys for just a few minutes everyday. Plus it’s a great chance to take a dance break!
4. Call a friend
Ever feel like all you do is talk to your kids all day? I get it! Having an adult conversation can feel like the sweetest treat, especially if it’s with someone you don’t get to see very often.
On your way to pick up the kids or on a walk, phone calls can be really nice to catch up with a good friend! If spontaneous calls don’t work well, try scheduling them in advance– having an excuse to talk to someone you love is one of the sweetest ways to relax.
5. Unplug before bed
One of the best pieces of advice I ever received was to completely unplug before bedtime! By turning off your phone at least 30 minutes before bedtime can drastically improve your sleep.
So instead of mindlessly scrolling on Instagram or watching TV until you fall asleep, try reading a book, taking a bath, or just talking with your spouse!
I know how busy being a mom can be! Sometimes it feels like we have no time to care for ourselves, but I hope that these tips encourage you to take a few moments to relax throughout your day– you deserve it.