The Essential Apps for Mums

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio
If you’re using your smartphone only to take pictures of your babies and to scroll Instagram then you’re missing out on some amazing apps that will make your life easier and help you save time (and who doesn’t want that.) Don’t worry we’ve done the research for you, here’s our round-up of the essential apps for all mums. Let us know in the comments which one is your fave and if you have any new ones to suggest!
When your baby's poop is a funny color.
You already trust WebMD, the WebMD Baby App has a library of medically approved content that comes in handy when you have a late-night panic (or anytime panic) about your baby’s rash. It also features a baby book so you can record all of your baby’s milestones and has videos featuring a pediatrician on advice for caring for your baby.
When you need a shoulder to lean on, cry on, or drink wine with.
The Peanut app is like Tinder for mums and will help you match with other mamas in your community based on your interests. Women in any stage of motherhood can join groups with common interests, ask questions, receive advice and discover women in their community in a similar stage of life.
When you dare to become more sustainable.
Ailuna-eco habits app makes setting and keeping sustainable habits fun by challenging you to complete sustainability dares like eating less meat and turning your heat down. You can join the Ailuna community and see how many other people are working on the same eco-living dare and the impact it will have on the planet.
When your baby just won't. sleep.
The Sound Sleeper baby white noise app was created by young parents, this app has sounds like “womb,” “vacuum,” or “fan,” to help your baby calm down and fall asleep. It also has a listen mode that will respond when your baby cries and turn on soothing sounds. Our favorite part? Sounds for exhausted parents like “rain” and “calming guitar.”
When you're booking a kid-friendly vacation.
If you thought your love of travel had to be put on hold until your kids were grown, you need GOWhee. This app, built by a mum of 1, features an interactive map that lets you browse and contribute to kid-friendly locations in 60+ countries. You can use it abroad or to find new places in your own community.
When you're growing a tiny human.
The Ovia Pregnancy Tracker. We love this app because for tracking your baby’s development and comparing your baby’s size to fruits & vegetables, animals, and even Parisian pastries (at week 17, a baby is the size of a creme brulee- so cute!) It also has lots of information about pregnancy, food safety, and a customizable health tracker. Its newest feature lets you swipe through and keep track of baby names.
When your hubby always calls you from the grocery store.
AnyList lets you easily organize your grocery list by category so you can shop more efficiently in the store. You can sync it with your friends and family so your hubby will never have to call you again from the grocery store asking “what else do we need?” If your hands are full you can also add items to the list using Siri.
When you've memorized Good Night Moon.
Like having a library in your pocket, Epic lets you access thousands of kid-friendly books, audiobooks, and learning videos. Stories are full of fun music and sounds to help bring the words to life. We love the “read to me” section that lets kids read along with the story. Great for book worms of all ability levels.