4 Realistic Workout Tips for Mums

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk
As mums, carving out time and finding the motivation to work out can be tricky! Between jobs, housework, and taking care of our kids, working out can feel like just another chore. But our physical health is just as important now as it was before we became mums!
So, here are 4 realistic workout tips to turn exercise into something you can prioritize and enjoy again!
1. Take Advantage When You Have the Time!
The biggest challenge I find with working out is finding the time to do so! As mums, our schedules are jam-packed with responsibilities from morning to night. And let’s be honest, what mum really has the time to regularly workout? Between housework, diaper changes, and carpool, being a mum is a workout in itself.
So when you find yourself with some extra time and energy to work out, make the most of it! Let go of the unrealistic pressure to work out daily and know that what works for you is more than enough! And when you do it, the chance to break a sweat it’s always worth it for your mental and physical well-being.
I recommend having quick workout ideas ready for when you get the chance! Whether that means going for a run before the kids wake up, signing up for a workout class, or following an at-home yoga video while the little ones nap, exercise doesn’t have to take hours out of your week!
For more tips on finding the time to exercise check out our tips on exercising with a baby!
2. Pick Active Activities with Your Kiddos
Working out doesn’t have to involve a gym or workout studio! Some days your kids might have a bit too much pent-up energy, so what better way to get it out than with some movement? Run around your neighborhood playground, go for a bike ride, or an indoor trampoline park to get your heart rate up. Best of all these activities will also wear your kids out, making nap time a breeze!
Any movement is good movement which is why choosing active things to do with our kids is one of the easiest ways to break a sweat. But getting yourself and your kids active every day shouldn’t be a daily chore. it’s also ok to just lay around and snuggle up with a movie!
3. Don't Give Yourself Unrealistic Goals
Above all, it’s important to give ourselves grace when it comes to working out! Setting unrealistic expectations will only leave us disappointed in ourselves and unmotivated to exercise at all. But finding a balance that works for us is key.
For some, this might look like dedicating ourselves to moving your body at least once a day (props to those mums, cause that couldn’t be me). For others of us, it may be more realistic to aim for two or three times a week! Find what works for your body and lifestyle and see how it goes– but don’t beat yourself up when life gets in the way.
4. Find a Workout Community!
One of the best ways to exercise more is by finding a workout community! There are so many other mums who also value physical activity and friendly encouragement just like you. You can find workout buddies in group classes or in mum's Facebook groups! Not only will these people hold you accountable to your goals, but they’ll also make your workouts more enjoyable.
If you feel like you’ve lost your motivation for working out or just don’t know how to squeeze it in then these tips are for you! But above all, know that it’s okay when you can’t find the time to work out, prepare dinner, or even take a shower some days. Your worth as a mum should never be rooted in these things. Exercise can merely be a small escape from our daily mum duties but it shouldn’t be a responsibility in itself. Listen to your body and schedule, and go from there!